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The ACCEPT command lets you accept an offer from another player.
Related commands: offer, bribe
Format: action " (TEXT)
The ACTION command is a command which allows players to perform actions not otherwise covered in these commands. When you use this command the system will display your current character's name, followed by (TEXT). The action displayed will have no other effect on the game.
Example: Action? action "throws Melkor into the fountain. Nevermore throws Melkor into the fountain.
The staff members, by the way, frown on the use of this command for the purpose of confusing other players.
See also: Section 3.4, Special Commands
The APPEAL command is used when you are in a room with no exits. APPEAL will teleport you to the Town Square. In addition, APPEAL may be used to summon the DM, if he is online.
Format: approach (TARGET)
The APPROACH command will move you one sector towards your specified target regardless of whether this is forward or backward. Your target may be an object, monster or player.
Related command:RETREAT See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section
Format: attack (TARGET)
The ATTACK command lets you engage monsters in your sector in hand to hand combat. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? attack orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? attack orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
Once you have specified a target, you don't have to re-specify the target everytime you attack it.
EXAMPLE: Do? attack orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Do? attack You hit it for 18 hit points!
Synonyms: hit, kill, strike Related Commands: parry, feint, circle, thrust, fire, backstab, duck, dodge, shoot See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section
The AUTO command automates the user interface for those in 80 column mode. Once you have given the command, pressing ENTER at the command prompt will put Scimitar into Auto mode, in which the game will check for occurances (such as monsters or players entering) and display them once per second. The next time an ENTER is received, the game drops out of Auto mode and gives a command prompt, but pressing ENTER at the command prompt will return the game to Auto mode again. You can stop the game from using Auto mode by entering the command AUTO again.
It's a good idea to make sure you are at the command prompt before entering commands or trying to say something. The command will still work while the game is in Auto mode, but in that case any occurances that happen while you are typing will be written into the middle of what you are typing. The game will never interrupt you at a command prompt.
Format: backstab (TARGET)
The BACKSTAB command involves sneaking up behind an unsuspecting target, and striking it to effect maximum damage. You must be hidden for a backstab to be successful. If you aren't hidden, or if the target spies your approach, a backstab will fail. Ninjae are the best backstabbers.
If you have already engaged a monster in combat, it is not possible to backstab the monster again. In fact, it is not possible to backstab a monster engaged in combat at all.
Related command: kill See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section
This command toggles BLOCK mode on and off. With BLOCK engaged, any messages sent to your character name in Scimitar will be blocked. Messages sent to your account ($send or from Main Menu) will not be affected.
Format: break (TARGET)
The BREAK command is used to smash or break open locked items such as chests and doors. Some locked items have traps that inflict damage on you when you try to break into them.
Your strength x 10 must be equal to or greater than the weight of the object for breaking in to be successful. Success also depends on random luck.
Synonym: smash
Format: a) bribe (PLAYER)(ITEM,CASH) for (ITEM,CASH) b) bribe (MONSTER)(ITEM,CASH)
The BRIBE command lets you a) trade cash and items amongst characters. You may also b) offer monsters items or cash to leave a room. No monster, once engaged in battle, will accept a bribe to leave the room.
Synonym: offer Related command: accept
This command toggles BRIEF mode on and off. In BRIEF mode, output of text is largely reduced. Skilled players will use BRIEF mode exclusively so that they will receive speedy updates on rapidly changing combat situations.
Related command: echo, superbrief
Format: cast (TARGET) Say Chant? (type the magic words)
The CAST command lets you cast magical spells on players, monsters or objects.
When in combat against a specified monster, all aggressive spells and commands will default to that monster unless you re-specify a different target. All health spells will default to your character, unless otherwise specified.
See SPELLS sub-section.
This command will display a numbered list of items that a shopkeeper has for sale.
Related command: buy
Format: circle (TARGET)
Circling involves running around and around your opponent in a circle, thus causing him to become disoriented. CIRCLE is a defensive action. Your chance of successfully circling your opponent depends on your dexterity. A monster successfully circled will be disoriented for two rounds.
If you have already engaged a monster in combat, it is not necessary to re-specify that monster when circling.
Related commands: feint, parry, duck, dodge, kill, fire See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
Format: climb (TARGET)
The CLIMB command allows you to scale certain items, such as steps, ropes and staircases.
Synonyms: enter, go
This command displays the current date and time.
Format: close (TARGET)
The CLOSE command lets you close doors and chests. Items equipped with locks will lock automatically when closed, and require keys to open.
Related command: open
Format: compact <(item)#> with <(item)#>
The COMPACT command can only be used in the Mage's Guild, where Corithia the Enchantress will compact two similar items, for a small fee. The second item will be compacted into the first, and the weight of the newly created item will be the average of the two.
Use the D command to move in a downward direction.
The DODGE command is much like the Parry command, except that it affects missile combat, rather than melee combat. When ducking, you are assumed to be actively hiding behind rocks, trees, etc., and all incoming missles for the next round (6 seconds) will have a poor chance of hitting you.
Synonym: duck Related commands: parry, circle, feint, kill, fire See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
Format: draw (WEAPON)
The DRAW command allows you to prepare your weapon for combat.
Synonyms: use, drink, wield, wear, hold
Format: drink (OBJECT)
The DRINK command allows you to drink various magical potions that you will find.
Synonyms: use, draw, wield, wear, hold
Format: a) drop (ITEM) b) drop (ITEM in (CONTAINER)
This commands lets you drop items a) on the ground, or b) in a container.
Synonym: put Related commands: get, take
The DUCK command is much like the Parry command, except that it affects missile combat, rather than melee combat When ducking, you are assumed to be actively hiding behind rocks, trees, etc., and all incoming missles for the next round (6 seconds) will have a poor chance of hitting you.
Synonym: dodge Related commands: parry, circle, feint, kill, fire See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
Use the E command to move eastward.
The ECHO command toggles echo mode on and off. When echo mode is engaged, everything you say will be echoed back to you.
Related command: brief
Use the END command to quit Scimitar.
Synonym: quit
Format: enter (PORTAL)
The ENTER command is used to enter doors, shops, valleys, and any other place that you can conceivably go.
Synonyms: go, climb
Format: a) examine b) examine (TARGET) c) examine people d) examine objects e) examine monsters
The EXAMINE command lets you a) examine rooms, b) objects, monsters, etc. for more information. Use it liberally.
Magic scrolls must be examined, or LOOKed at, for you to learn the spell chant. Reading the scroll will cause the spell to be cast, then wiped from your memory.
There are three special things you can examine: c) EXAMINE PEOPLE will display the names of other charac-ters a room. Hidden characters will not be detected. d) EXAMINE OBJECTS will show the objects in a room. Hidden objects will not be displayed. e) EXAMINE MONSTERS will list the monsters currently in a room. Invisible monsters cannot be seen, and will not be shown
Related commands: look, read
The EXITS command displays the obvious exits of the room you are in. Obvious exits may be: east west, north, south, up, down or out (e,w,n,s,u,d,o). It also displays the sectors that are present in the room: G0, PS, PM, and PL. Small rooms will have fewer sectors, very small rooms will have only G0.
This command will display the number of experience points you need to earn before training for your next level. EXPERIENCE will also display the number of shillings you are holding.
Format: feint (MONSTER)
A FEINT involves lunging at your opponent and then deflecting your blow at the last momment. It can cause your opponent to flinch, duck, etc. A good feint requires high dexterity. A monster who has been successfully feinted will be disoriented a full 3 rounds.
If you are already in combat with a monster, it is not necessary to re-specify that monster when feinting.
Related commands: kill, circle, parry, duck, dodge, fire See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
The FILE command displays a list of your saved characters. All accounts have space for seven saved characters. Additional spaces may be arranged, at the discretion of the staff.
Related command: suicide
Format: fire (TARGET)
Characters equipped with missile weapons use the FIRE command to attack monsters. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? fire orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? fire orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
As with the hand to hand combat and spell casting, it is not necessary to re-specify your target every time you fire your weapon.
EXAMPLE: Do? fire orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Synonym: shoot Related command: duck, dodge, kill, circle, parry, feint See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section. See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Format: follow (TARGET)
The FOLLOW command lets you follow other players. This command is valuable in group play, when a party must stay together, and follow a leader.
Related command: lose
The FORWARD command moves you one sector in the direction of ground zero (G0).
Synonym: + Related commands: reverse, - See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Format: a) get (ITEM) b) get (ITEM) from (CONTAINER)
The GET command lets you pick things up from a) the ground, and b) containers. If there are two or more like items on the ground, or in a container, you can specify which item you wish to pick up using an item number.
Synonym: take Related commands: put, drop
Format: go (PORTAL)
The GO command is used to enter doors, shops, valleys, and any other place that you can conceivably go.
Synonyms: enter, climb
Format: a) health b) health (TARGET) c) health people
The HEALTH command lets you a) get a quick view of how damaged your character is, b) see the health of another player or c) check the health of everyone in the room.
The information given shows current health stats and maximum health stats when you check your own heath (casters are also shown the number of limited spells they have left) When checking other players you are shown if they are tired, weary, exhausted, poisoned, wounded or badly injured.
Format: a) hide (ITEM) b) hide a) The HIDE command may be used to hide an object in a room. This is only useful for permanent objects, as regular items will disappear from the room after you leave. Other users won't find the hidden object unless they use the search command. b)You may use the HIDE command to hide your character in a room to avoid discovery by monsters or other players.
You can be discovered if the room is searched. You will remain hidden until you attack, move, speak or cast a spell. Sending to other players is counted as speaking in this case. Ninjae are the best hiders.
Related command: search
The HINT command gives little bits of information that may have a general use, or information that may relate to an adventure. The information will be changed from time to time.
Format: hit (TARGET)
The HIT command lets you engage monsters in your sector in hand to hand combat. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? hit orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? hit orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
Once you have specified a target, you don't have to re-specify the target everytime you attack it.
EXAMPLE: Do? hit orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Do? hit You hit it for 18 hit points! Synonyms: kill, attack, strike Related commands: parry, feint, circle, thrust, fire, backstab, duck, dodge, shoot See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
Format: hold (ITEM)
The HOLD commands lets you prepare your weapon, armor or shield for combat.
Synonyms: draw, drink, use, wield, wear
Format: identify (TARGET)
The IDENTIFY command displays all the known information of the specified target. Certain abilities of the target can only be seen by some classes.
Identify is a 'limited number' spell, and can only be used so many times per day.
See Scimitar SPELLS Sub-Section.
The INFORMATION command will display the complete information on your character's attributes
The INVENTORY command will display the possessions you hold, and their combined weight.
Format: kill (TARGET)
The KILL command lets you engage monsters in your sector in hand to hand combat. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? kill orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? kill orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
Once you have specified a target, you don't have to re-specify the target everytime you attack it.
Example: Do? kill orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Synonyms: hit, strike, attack Related commands: parry, feint, circle, thrust, fire, backstab, duck, dodge, shoot See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
LEAVE is a synonym for out.
The LIGHT command shows which sectors in a room are lighted. If it is not nighttime, the system reponds "It is daytime". Some rooms are always light, such as street lit streets in Boldhome, and in these rooms you will see "It is always light here".
The LIST command displays a list of all available commands.
Format: a) look b) look (TARGET) c) look people d) look objects e) look monsters
The LOOK command lets you examine closely a) rooms, and b) objects, players or monsters.
There are three special things you can look at: c) LOOK People will display the names of other characters in a room. Hidden characters will not be detected. d) LOOK Objects will show the objects in a room. Hidden objects will not be displayed. e) LOOK Monters will list the monsters currently in a room. Invisible monsters cannot be seen, and will not be shown.
Synonym: read Related command: examine
Format: lose (TARGET)
The LOSE command lets you lose someone who is following you.
Related command: follow
The - command moves you one sector away from ground zero (G0).
Synonym: reverse Related commands: forward, + See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Use the N command to move northward.
Format: a) offer (PLAYER)(ITEM,CASH) for (ITEM,CASH) b) offer (MONSTER) (ITEM,CASH)
The OFFER command lets you a) trade cash and items amongst characters. You may also b) offer monsters items or cash to leave a room. No monster, once engaged in battle, will accept an offer to leave the room.
Synonym: bribe Related command: accept
Format: open (Object) with key
The OPEN command may be used to open chests, doors, windows, etc. Some locks require keys to open.
Related command: close
OUT is one of the obvious exits from a room.
Synonym: leave
The PANIC command causes you to throw down your weapon and shield, and run in a random direction like a blithering idiot. There must be an obvious exit from the room, or you will run in circles, unable to escape. It may take more than one try to leave the room, but monsters cannot follow you when you are in a panic.
Synonym: run
Format: parley (MONSTER)
The PARLEY command lets you talk to various monsters and storekeepers. Try it!
Format: parry (TARGET)
A PARRY involves backing away from attackers, and using your weapon to block their attacks, rather than launching an attack of your own. PARRY conserves energy and prevents the loss of fatigue points. When parrying, any monster that attacks you in the next round has a poor chance of hitting you.
If you are already in combat with a monster, it is not necessary to re-specify that monster when parrying.
Related commands: kill, feint, circle, duck, dodge, fire See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section
Format: pawn (ITEM)
The PAWN comand allows you to sell unwanted items for cash at the local pawn shop. Containers cannot be pawned.
Synonym: sell
Format: peek (PLAYER)
The Peek command allows you to view the current location of the named player, as if you were standing there with that player, thus giving you a limited form of clairvoyance. It is limited because, though is costs no magic to use, it behaves as a limited spell, and uses up your limited spell quota each time it is used.
Format: picklock (ITEM)
Some locks in Scimitar are pickable. The PICKLOCK command may be used to open some objects. Certain objects have traps that are triggered if you try to pick the lock open.
The + command moves you one sector in the direction of ground zero (G0).
Synonym: forward Related commands: reverse, - See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Format: a) put (ITEM) b) put (ITEM) in (CONTAINER)
This commands lets you put items a) on the ground, or b) in a container.
Synonym: drop Related commands: get, take
Quit to main menu.
Format: a) read (ITEM) b) read (ITEM) (TARGET)
Use the READ command to read to a) invoke a spell on a scroll on yourself, or b) invoke a spell on a player or monster.
You may also occasionally find inscriptions on walls, etc. to read.
Synonym: look Related command: examine
Format: repair (ITEM)
The REPAIR command lets you repair damaged items at Ruth's Smithy. The cost of repairing an item depends on its value and the amount of damage it has suffered. Ruth cannot repair items that are completely broken.
Rumour has it that Ruth is rather reluctant of late to do any repairs to any weapons in Boldhome. Apparently Ruth was caught using a deity process on his weapons that made them powerfull beyond mortal strength, after a few deaths it is said that Nevermore (the normally placid deity) went to visit our friend Ruth.
Format: retreat (TARGET)
The RETREAT command will move you one sector away from your specified target, regardless of whether this is forward or backward. Your target may be a monster, object or player.
Related command: approach See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Format: return (ITEM)
The RETURN command may be used to return armor, weapon or shield to your pack. All objects are automatically returned at updates, and when you quit Scimitar.
The REVERSE command moves you one sector away from ground zero (G0).
Related commands: forward, +, - See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
The RUN command causes you to throw down your weapon and shield, and run in a random direction like a blithering idiot. There must be an obvious exit from the room, or you will run in circles, unable to escape. It may take more than one try to leave the room, but monsters cannot follow you when you are running.
Synonym: panic
Use the S command to move southward.
The SAVE command allows you to save the most recent informa-tion on your character. Information is saved automatically at updates, and when you leave Scimitar.
Format: a) say " (TEXT) b)say (PLAYER)... " (TEXT)
The SAY command lets you carry on conversations with other players in the same room. You may speak to a) everyone, or b) speak in low tones to one or more players. All text must be prefixed by quotes. Closing the quotes is not necessary.
Related commands: send, yell
The SEARCH command will search a room for hidden objects, monsters or players. It takes about 10 seconds to search a room, and you may have to search it several times before you find anything.
Related command: hide
Format: sell (ITEM)
The SELL comand allows you to sell unwanted items for cash at the local pawn shop. Containers cannot be sold.
Synonym: pawn
Format: a) send " (TEXT) b) send (PLAYER) " (TEXT)
The SEND command lets you a) broadcast a message to everyone in Scimitar, or b) talk to a player who is not in the same room as your character. Broadcasting requires some magical ability.
Related commands: say, yell
Format: shoot (TARGET)
Characters equipped with missile weapons use the SHOOT command to attack monsters. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? shoot orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? shoot orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
As with the hand to hand combat and cast commands, it is not necessary to re-specify your target every time you fire your weapon
Example: Do? shoot orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Do? shoot You hit it for 18 hit points!
Synonym: fire Related commands: duck, dodge, kill, circle, parry, feint See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section. See Scimitar SECTORS Sub-Section.
Format: smash (TARGET)
The SMASH command is used to smash or break open locked items such as chests and doors. Some locked items have traps that inflict damage on you when you try to break into them.
Your strength x 10 must be equal to or greater than the weight of the object for smashing in to be successful. Success also depends on random luck.
Synonym: break
The SPRINT command immediately moves your character to the opposite end of the room. If you are at G0 or P1 you will go to P3, if you are at P2 or P3 you will go to G0. It will take the same amount of time to recover from SPRINTing as it would have using the FORWARD and BACKWARD commands, but you will not have to spend any time in the intervening sectors.
Related commands: +, -, forward, backward
Format: a) status b) status (CHARACTER)
The STATUS command will a) display a list of all players in Scimitar, their account names, their last commands, and their classes. You can also b) specify a certain player for this information.
Related commands: who, where
Format: strike (TARGET)
The STRIKE command lets you engage monsters in your sector in hand to hand combat. If you have more than one monster in the room, you can attack either of them by specifying a target number.
Example: Do? You encounter two orcs! Do? strike orc#1 You hit it for 13 hit points! Do? strike orc#2 You hit it for 17 hit points!
If you don't specify a target number, the attack will default to target#1.
Once you have specified a target, you don't have to re-specify the target everytime you attack it.
Example: Do? strike orc#2 You hit it for 11 hit points! Do? strike You hit it for 18 hit points!
Synonyms: hit, kill, attack Related commands: parry, feint, circle, thrust, fire, backstab, duck, dodge, shoot.
The SUICIDE command will delete the saved information file on your character, and return you to Main Menu. When a character is suicided, the file space is released, and the character no longer exists.
Related command: file
This command toggles SUPERBRIEF mode on and off. SUPERBRIEF is for those very experienced players who wish almost no descriptive text, especially while playing at 300 baud. In this mode automatic room descriptions and actions of other players and monsters not directly affecting you will not be shown.
Related command: brief
Format: a) take (ITEM) b) take (ITEM) from (CONTAINER
The TAKE command lets you pick things up from a) the ground, and b) containers. If there are two or more like items on the ground, or in a container, you can specify which item you wish to pick up by using an item number.
Synonym: get Related commands: drop, put
Format: talk (MONSTER)
The TALK command lets you talk to various monsters and storekeepers. Try it!
Synonym: parley
Format: tame (MONSTER)
The TAME command can only be used by Paladins. Some other classes can TAME monsters by using the spell of the same name. This command can only be used on slow react monsters that have not been damaged. TAME will sooth the monster into docility for an average of 2 minutes, but ONLY if the monster has not been harmed.
See Scimitar SPELLS Sub-Section.
Format: thrust (TARGET)
Performing a THRUST involves hurling or plunging your weapon directly into your opponent to effect maximumdamage. A thrust is a very strenuous move, and leaves you vunerable to a counter-attack. Thrust should be used with discretion.
If you are already engaged in combat with a monster, it is not necessary to re-specify that monster when thrusting.
Related command: kill See Scimitar COMBAT Sub-Section.
The TIME command lets you know if it is daytime or night time, and when to expect sunrise or sunset. Some monsters only appear by night, and some only appear during daylight. More important, at sunrise and sunset the system update is done, and any if your character is carrying any items above the 20 item limit, or has items in a pack that is being carried, those items will be irretrievably lost.
Format: toss (ITEM)
The TOSS command lets you delete items from your inventory. Once an item is tossed away, it is no longer in the game.
The TRACK command will reveal any footprints or tracks on the ground. It takes a few seconds to find tracks, and you may have to track more than once. Ninjae are the best trackers.
The TRAIN command is used when your character has accumulated the experience points and shillings needed to advance a level. Each character class has a specific area in which to train.
Format: turn (MONSTER)
The TURN command can only be used by Clerics and Paladins. When using the TURN command, the Cleric or Paladin calls on all of his/her holy powers, and causes one of three things to happen:
a)The monster will be completely overpowered, and turn to dust. b)The monster will turn and flee at the might and majesty of the holy person. c)The monster will ignore the holy command, and do twice as much damage on its next attack.
Your chance of succeeding in turning a monster depends on your level. Clerics are more successful in turning.
Use the U command to move upwards.
Format: undress
This command is the equivalent of using "remove armor" and "remove shield". It effectively combines both commands into the one. It still takes the same amount of time to remove the armor and shield, this just allows it to be done with one command.
Related commands: remove, use, wear
Format: a)use (ITEM) b)use (ITEM) on (TARGET)
a) The USE command allows you to prepare your weapon, armor or shield for combat. You can also discharge a magical item on yourself with the use command. b) The USE command will allow you to discharge magical items on pl ayers and monsters.
Synonyms: draw, drink, wield, wear, hold
Format: victim
The VICTIM command allows you look at the monster you are currently attacking. It does the equivalent of a LOOK (MONSTER) on the monster being attacked. The VICTIM command can be shortened to V.
Use the W command to move westward.
Format: wear (ITEM)
Use the WEAR command to wear your armor or shield.
Synonyms: draw, drink, wield, use, hold
Format: a) where b) where (CHARACTER)
The WHERE command gives a) you a summary of characters online, their last commands, and their classes, or b) you may specify a character for this information.
Related command: status
Format: wield (WEAPON)
Use the WIELD command to ready your weapon for combat.
Synonyms: use, draw, drink, wear, hold
Format: yell " (TEXT)
The YELL command causes your voice to carry into adjoining rooms.
Related commands: say, send